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Attention, ne pas financer la campagne électorale de Sarkozy. Il vous remerciera avec des bombardements !

Nicolas Sarkozy 'received £42 million from Muammar Gaddafi for 2007 election'

Nicolas Sarkozy received £42 million from Muammar Gaddafi in funding for his 2007 presidential election campaign, it was claimed on Monday.

Nicolas Sarkozy 'received £42 million from Muammar Gaddafi for 2007 election'
Nicolas Sarkozy provoked outrage among opposition figures and some members of his government when he welcomed Gaddafi to Paris in late 2007 when the Libyan dictator was permitted to pitch his tent next to the Elysée Palace Photo: THOMAS COEX/AFP/Getty Images

The “terms” for handing over the money were agreed in a meeting between the two men in Libya two years before Mr Sarkozy’s election, documents published by a French investigative website suggest.A memo obtained by the Mediapart site and handed to a judge alleges that the meeting on Oct 6, 2005 resulted in “campaign financing” of “NS [Nicolas Sarkozy]” being “totally paid”.

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